Edius pro 8 ecucation
Edius pro 8 ecucation

edius pro 8 ecucation

• Improved H.264/AVC decoder and encoder (for fast encoding of 4K XAVC) • Multicam editing of up to 16 different sources simultaneously, with video output support • Fastest AVCHD editing on the market (up to 3+ streams in real time)

Edius pro 8 ecucation movie#

• Work natively with many different video formats, including Sony XDCAM, Panasonic P2, Ikegami GF, RED, Canon XF and EOS movie formats • Support for the latest file formats - Sony XAVC (Intra/Long GOP)/ XAVC S, Panasonic AVC-Ultra/AVC-Intra 4K 422 and Canon XF-AVC (import only) • Fast, flexible user interface, including unlimited video, audio, title and graphics tracks • Real-time conversion of frame rates on the same timeline delivers more efficient editing into the hands of editors • Edit media files with different resolutions - from 24x24 to 4KX2K • Supports third-party I/O hardware from Blackmagic Design, Matrox and AJA • Superior 4K workflow, including support for Blackmagic Design's DeckLink 4K Extreme, Ultra Studio 4K, AJA KONA 3G (preview only) and EDL or AAF import/export with Grass Valley HQX with DaVinci Resolve 11 That means you can edit faster and make the time to be more creative. EDIUS Pro 8 from Grass Valley, a Belden Brand, gives you real-time editing of multiple formats and frame rates all on the same timeline. With more creative options and real-time, no-render editing of all popular SD, HD and even 4K formats, EDIUS Pro 8 is the most versatile and fastest nonlinear editing software available.

edius pro 8 ecucation

EDIUS Pro 8 is the perfect finishing tool for professional productions, including documentary and 4K theatrical productions. EDIUS Pro 8 means more formats and more resolutions in real time for the ability to Edit Anything, Fast. When an editor has to wait for technology, creativity suffers.

Edius pro 8 ecucation